Flashback: Our Tenth Anniversary
Suzy and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary in 2020. It was a somewhat subdued celebration, since we were trying to avoid Covid-19!
This is what she posted about our ten years of marriage.
10 years ago today we said, 'I do." (or maybe I hypnotized Dana to say "I do"??? Ha!).
Though celebrating our anniversary looks a little different this year, what hasn't changed is my overwhelming love and gratitude for one, Dana Franklin.
@realityendshere, you encourage me when I'm ready to throw in the towel (notably during difficult video games); you laugh at my stupid jokes (which are objectively funny... there's just no one else around to laugh at them these days); you remind me that feeling sadness is okay and actually normal (especially now).
My flowery and loquacious vows to you that day still ring true...
"When all else in this world has been ravaged and forgotten; When this world has frozen over and all have been damned to hell; After life breaths its last breath unto those who most deserve it, I will still love you...
And I shall until the end of time...
You are a light that never goes out. You, Mr. Franklin, are the the living, breathing definition of why I persevere on. You bring me nothing but ecstasy, jubilance and complete satisfaction to someone who can be very hard to please.
And with every moment spent with you whether it be on sunny beaches or on cold mountains, I find every moment spent, a dream come true.
My heart is ever at your service."
So Mahalo to you Dana and Mahalo for loving me and embracing my wacky way of loving you back. ❤️
Special thanks to Amira for finding this!